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You are a divine & powerful creator

Here to align with your soul, elevate your vibration & manifest a life that you LOVE.
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Magnetise Your Dream Life: Download Your Free Guide

You can co-create a life that lights you up!

As your guide & mentor, I’m here to reveal the unseen and show you what's possible for you. To help you dispel what's held you back so you can finally unleash your full capacity to manifest the life your soul came here to live!

Welcome love,

I am Amy Wilkinson, an intuitive guide & mentor, visionary and teacher. I'm also a mama of three, living my dream life with my husband and children on the Sunshine Coast, Australia.

I have immersed myself in the realm of spiritual expansion and soul-led entrepreneurship for the majority of my life. I have established and nurtured a thriving yoga and wellness brand, guided and supported a multitude of yoga instructors through training and mentorship, led transformative retreat experiences for over 10 years and held space for homecoming and personal evolution since my early 20s. 

My journey of spiritual awakening has spanned over 25 years and yet the pathway of fully accepting and embodying my soul gifts has been a more recent one and the most freeing and fulfilling of all.

I deeply understand the need to set down the programming that holds us back so we can tap into a much higher vision for ourselves and one that aligns with our soul and brings us into resonance with our highest timeline so that we can live a life that we love and that lights us up!

My work touches upon many areas including intuitive development, angel mediumship, energetic mastery, soul leadership, manifestation, wealth creation and spiritual business expansion.

At the heart of my work is the belief that we are here to remember that we are unlimited beings of light, to express our unique soul gifts and to co-create through the vibration of who we are being.

I guide and support my clients to break free from the habit of playing small and holding back their light so that they can rise to meet the version of them who is living their dream life.

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I combine intuitive guidance and vibrational alignment with manifestation mastery  to catapult you from where you are to where you desire to be.

Your embodied dream life is on the other side of you saying YES! 


1:1 Soul Mentoring

The Call to Expand, 1:1 soul mentoring journey with Amy is one that is intuitively led and divinely supported to shift you into your next level of expansion and abundance. "Together we unleash your soul stirring desires that are so ready to come alive in you. By removing limitations and igniting your highest vision and purpose, we can unleash your full potential."

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Light Path Collective 

A membership sanctuary for self-discovery and spiritual empowerment. This powerful portal of community & connection calls to women who are following soul's path and the things that are lighting them up. The powerful collective will offer opportunities for hot seat coaching around spiritual leadership, intuitive development, personal evolution, manifestation and soul alignment. 

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Our Light Retreats gift you with the space to come home to yourself and reconnect to all of who you are. Choose from our  upcoming serene and luxurious retreat offerings. Retreats with Amy hold space for a nourishing and soul expansive journey that gifts you with the environments, food, practices and energy that will make you feel alive and at home in who you are.

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a podcast for the light leaders, visionaries, dreamers & creators.

Light Up! Podcast

Embark on a journey of conscious conversations, powerful downloads, and soul-stirring activations to inspire you to live a life in alignment with your soul, igniting the spark within you to follow your higher guidance and co-create a life that truly lights you up.

Prepare to shine bright and embrace the magic of living authentically and joyfully. Tune in and let your inner light illuminate the path to your most expansive life.


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Get Your Free Light Body Activation Meditation

A daily meditation practice to bring you home to yourself and expand your sacred radiance through activating your channel of light and protection.

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Join a community of powerful like-minded and soul-led women who are rising up in their presence & purpose.

Light Path Collective

Our exclusive membership platform and community is designed for women who value connection & community when walking this path of conscious entrepreneurship.

They are ready to be supported and inspired as they elevate their work, amplify their vision, and answer their soul's calling. Join us on this transformative journey as we come together to share space and receive guidance that will both support and empower you to reach new heights, unlock your full potential, and create a life of purpose and fulfilment as a luminous leader.

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Join a community of powerful like-minded, soul led women who are rising up in their presence & purpose.

Light Path Membership 

Our exclusive membership platform and community designed for women who are ready to elevate their work, amplify their impact, and answer their soul's calling. Join us on this transformative journey as we support and empower each other to reach new heights, unlock our full potential, and create a life of purpose and fulfilment. Together, let's embrace growth, make a difference, and expand into the luminous leaders we are here to be.

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For those who wish to access weekly soul prompts, intuitive nudges and divine downloads delivered straight to your inbox with love.


