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A 1:1 mentorship journey of divinely led guidance and soul alignment for those ready to light up the world with their presence & impact and manifest a life they adore!

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You're here for more and you know it in your Soul

If you have landed in this space, it is because a part of you is searching for expansion and is finally ready to align with the most alive and fulfilled version of you, just waiting to be unleashed!

There is a resonance in your soul where you know it’s time to rise to the next level of you, to follow your higher calling, create impact in the ways you are divinely designed to and start living life on your terms.

You are ready to THRIVE but something has been holding you back

Maybe you have not felt prepared or doubted your capacity.  Perhaps you've believed those limiting beliefs that have kept you from unleashing and embodying your full potential.

Perhaps you've made 'safe' decisions born from resistance or fear rather than deep trust!

We can set that all down now. 

It's time to relinquish the lingering doubts and fears, embrace your true self, who you came here to be and move confidently forward towards the life you are meant to live.

In your truth and in your magnetism!

It's time to stop holding back your light and start living as the radiant soul you are; aligned, empowered and on the frequency of your desires. 
IGNITE your dream, LIVE what you Love, in your Truth & Authenticity

 You have a unique soul mission and purpose waiting for you fully embrace.

As your mentor my gifts lie in meeting you where you are in your life, revealing the unseen, aligning you with your soul essence, assisting in releasing outdated patterns, supporting you to elevate your belief system, and empowering you to rise up as the highest vibration of you across all aspects of your life.

From this place anything is possible so prepare to finally manifest your deepest desires. 

During our time together, depending on what you are specifically calling in, you can expect channelled guidance (I bring in the angels and connect with your guidance team), manifestation mentoring, soul expansion, energetic re-alignment as well as processes and practices that will allow you to open up to receive clarity around your highest vision and to start to claim and embody the version of you living that reality now. 

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IGNITE your dream, LIVE what you love, ELEVATE your impact!

 You have a unique soul mission and purpose waiting for you.

As your mentor my gifts lie in meeting you where you are in your life, revealing the unseen, aligning you with your soul essence, assisting in releasing outdated patterns, supporting you to elevate your belief system, and empowering you to rise up as the highest vibration of you across all aspects of your life.

In our time together, depending on what you are specifically calling in, you can expect channelled guidance (I bring in the angels and connect with your guidance team), manifestation mentoring, business and leadership expansion, energetic re-alignment as well as processes and practices that will allow you to open up to receive clarity around your highest vision and to start to claim and embody the version of you living that reality now. 

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"Spiritual guidance and soul alignment with manifestation mastery to catapult you from where you are to where you would like to be."

  • Move beyond the paradigm that has been keeping you in lack or limitation.
  • Attune to and align with your soul's desires and become a clear vibrational match for those to manifest into form with ease. 
  • Find courage and clarity to expand in your visibility, presence and authority.
  • Learn how to amplify your intuition and receive clear messages from your spiritual guidance system and then take inspired action from a place of faith and knowing, rather than guessing your next move.
  • Create or expand an authentic and soul aligned business that feels like a clear extension of you and provides you with the freedom, joy & abundance you need to live a life you love.
All of this and more is available to you when you unlock this portal of potential.

"Boldly step into your next evolution of you and begin to co-create the life that feels like you are living a dream."

Am I the right mentor for you?
When we work together magic happens because I am so committed to showing you what is possible for you and illuminating an inspired path forward.

I combine my experience as an intuitive guidecertified angel mediumholistic counsellor, spiritual teacher, trainer and leader and soul led entrepreneur of over 20 years to be in your corner and hold a clear and safe space for your expansion.

Having a mentor like me means you have someone who cares deeply about your growth and progression and is gifted in being able to see what's holding you back and what wants to come through to be expressed in the world via your impact.


  • You can feel in your soul that you are here for more.
  • You are ready to move beyond self limiting tendencies and set down old programs that have been holding you back.
  • You want to explore your highest potential, connect more deeply to your true essence and make tremendous space for that part of you to come to life. 
  • You are ready to un-become who you thought you "needed" to be in order to align with your most authentic, intuitive and magnetic self and begin to co-create the life that feels so expansive and free.
1:1 - Mentoring Program

What do you receive when you say YES to the mentorship container?

  • 6 x Fortnightly Zoom calls (around 75mins in duration).
  • 3 month Access to Light Path Collective with fortnighly group calls and an online portal of meditations and activations.
  • Voice message access in between calls to keep you on track and accountable.
  • Access to your private online coaching portal of life time access to call recordings  
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Your Next Step?

Submit Your Application

Due to my deeply personalised and high-touch approach I only take on a limited number of clients in this program. I would love to work with you so if you are interested, please submit an application below. 



The investment of this 1:1 program is $2111 AUD pay in full or
$722 /month x 3 on payment plan.

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